Khushaal Vyas

Khushaal Vyas is a lawyer, social justice advocate and freelance journalist. Formerly a commercial lawyer at an international law firm, Khushaal now works in the community legal sector advising and advocating for the rights of disadvantaged & vulnerable communities. Khushaal is heavily involved multicultural advocacy and cross-border relations advising government agencies and tertiary institutions on multicultural affairs & Australia-India relations. He is also the COO of the Australia India Film Council and was the Co-Founder of Desis For Yes.
Khushaal is a self-appointed Shahrukh Khan dialogue expert and is convinced that the all the Harry Potter books could accurately be renamed to 'Harry Potter and the time he should have listened to Hermione'.

Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi

Breaking Down the 2024 Indian Election: Democracy Wins  

News & Sport, Published June 24, 2024
India’s significance as a global power means the results of its elections and electoral process is of importance not only to India but to Australia and the wider democratic world. So, let's break it down.
Antony Makhlouf and Almitra Mavalvala in For The Love Of Paper

REVIEW: 'For The Love of Paper' – A Step Towards Mainstreaming Multicultural Stories In Australia   

Culture, Published April 15, 2024
There's lots that this play sets out to do: Be a comedy, a drama, whilst also serving as a commentary on migration, multiculturalism and intersectional LGBTIQ+ challenges. What can this mean for the audience? Khushaal Vyas digs deeper.